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An introductory workshop into conscious connected breathing

  • 2 hours
  • 25 British pounds
  • Esse

Service Description

There are many different styles of breathwork around: Holotropic, Functional, Rebirthing, Buteyko and countless Pranayama breathing practices. Conscious connected breathing is a powerful and profound practice that can allow us to open up, explore and access deeper parts of ourselves. Through practicing this technique, we can shift stuck energy, ease into resistance, release trapped emotions and even process past trauma. Breathing with intention allows space to drop deeper into the body and mind using the breath as a tool. During this 2 hour workshop, we will explore this technique and it's amazing benefits. I will guide you through a deep practice, empowering you to explore your own experience working with your breath. I will be sharing ways to modify as well as how to self regulate with grounding techniques as we move through the journey together. This is a profound Breathwork practice and there are Contra-Indications to consider; If you suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar, or have a history of epilepsy, you should not do this practice without consulting a medical professional. Early or delicate pregnancy, heart condition, extremes of blood pressure, glaucoma, aneurysm, stroke or recent abdominal surgery are also contraindications. Breathwork is beneficial for almost all these conditions, but must be done safely. At all times, you are the driver of your own journey. If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 07772385847

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