Feb 14, 2022I AM ENOUGHEnough. As much or as many as required - sufficient, adequate, abundant. Can I be enough just as I am? Can I allow myself to be truly...
Jan 10, 2022HOW CAN WE POSITIVELY IMPACT OUR MIND - GUT CONNECTION WITH OUR BREATH?Having Crohns disease, I am so drawn to the physiological workings of the human body. I love to understand what's happening inside my own...
Jul 27, 2021DO YOU EVER CHECK IN WITH YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM?Benefits of Breathwork, Meditation and Movement on the nervous system I have already touched on mindfulness and the benefits that it can...
Jun 29, 2021YOGA NIDRA - POWERFUL AFFECTS ON THE MIND AND BODYCan Yoga Nidra positively benefit our mental and physical health? Yoga Nidra originates from the Tantrik tradition and is an adaptation...
Jun 14, 2021WHY YOGA IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE PHYSICAL PRACTICEWhat can practicing yoga teach us? Most people I know who have ever practiced yoga came to their first class to enquire into the physical...
Jun 1, 2021WHY SHOULD WE EMBRACE BOTH OUR YIN AND YANG ENERGY?How to connect to your Yin side Duality is within every single one of us, we constantly move and change, flowing and transitioning...
May 18, 2021CAN PRACTICING YOGA HELP ALLEVIATE SYMPTOMS OF CHRONIC ILLNESS?My experience of practicing yoga and living with Crohns Disease I have Crohn’s disease and I am really passionate about sharing my...
May 11, 2021SIMPLE BEHAVIOURAL CHANGES TO HELP MANAGE WORRIES AND STRESSNotice unhelpful thinking habits and find alternative thoughts When living with and managing a chronic illness, my thoughts and worries...
Apr 27, 2021SELF COMPASSION ISN'T SELFISHHow can we create a little kindness towards ourselves? Ahimsa translates to 'nonviolence' or non harming and is the first principle of...